Friday, June 5, 2009

After Twenty Years by O. Henry

1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. B

7. Why do you think the author used the sentence, "His scarf pin was a large diamond, oddly set"? What does this imply?
I think he used that sentence because he had a set of some sort of stuff.
8. What does the name "Silky" Bob imply about the stranger?
Silky might mean like stranger and stalker.
9. Explain the irony of the title "After Twenty Years.
It means like after twenty years something is gonna happen.
10. Why do you think Jimmy was unable to make the arrest himself? Please explain
Because he is not suppose to get arrested.
11. Why do you think the Chicago police wanted to have a little talk with "Silky" Bob? Support your answer with details from the story.
The Chicago police wanted to have a little talk with "Silky" Bob because he might know something about the problem.

12. The stranger tells the policeman that he and Jimmy Wells were best friends, almost like brothers. What does it imply that they hadn't corresponded in years?
It means that he wants to give some information.

13. Do you think Jimmy Wells did the right thing? Explain why you think this.
I think Jimmy Wells did the right thing because he speack up.

14. The stranger describes Jimmy Wells as "the truest, staunchest old chap in the world." In light of that, do you think he should have been surprised at the outcome of the meeting? Please explain.
The should because it suprising.

Word: read
Synonym: A word having the same meaning
Antonym: A word opposite in the meaning to another word
Impressively: suprise
effectively, powerfully: non work and unpower
ineffectively: effectively
Habitual: habit
constant, customary
unconstant and uncustomary
unusual, rare:
usual and weird

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